Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jason Roark Benifit Show

Last Sunday, July 27th had been on my calendar for over a month now. Jason’s Benefit Concert… What happened to my friend was horrible. He went missing in November of 2006. We suspect foul play. He is still missing. One of my best friends from college is still missing. Last night was a surreal experience on so many levels. I can only imagine what it was like for his family. But it was a night filled with hope. So many people that were part of his life were there in support. His family needs support. That is why you are hearing about it here.

If an adult you cared about in your life disappeared you would want help finding him or her? Missing adults currently have no government resources allocated to aid families of missing in the rescue and recovery process. Jason’s family has gotten little help from the government and law enforcement. We can change this. It just takes a movement. It just takes a little hope. Please visit:

There is a link to the petition for HR 2103 (Support the National Center for Missing Adults). I was #365 to sign. Please be #366.

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