I am not sure if I should be coming out to the world today but I can't hold it back anymore. I have a huge man-crush on the National. I can't help it. Matt Berninger's voice is so damn hypnotic. The man could sing "Mary had a little lamb" and I would probably buy it. When I finally got my hands on their newest LP "High Violet" I was in love all over again.
I really enjoyed what they did with this album. There is a great mix between the clean and the distorted. That theme seems to permeate through each track. I am only on the first couple listens but each track holds up the high standards I have set for this Brooklyn group since release Alligator in 2005. Here are some of my favorites so far... enjoy.
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Who You Gonna Call
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On behalf of Beggars, 4AD and The National many thanks for plugging "High Violet" on your site (street date 11th May) ... .. thanks, also, on behalf of the label, management and artist for not posting any pirate links to unreleased (studio) material and, if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, preview tracks, then a full length, high quality version of "BloodBuzz Ohio" is available for fans and bloggers to link to / post / host etc from www.highviolet.com/thenational_bloodbuzzohio.mp3 and “Afraid of Everyone” is now also available from www.soundcloud.com/ninasles/afraid-of-everyone-the-national ... .. for further details of the new album, on-line promotions, videos and 2010 shows, check-out the official site, as well as the band's MySpace at www.myspace.com/thenational and YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/beggars ... .. and keep an eye on these official sources for details of further news, preview material and on-line promotions.
Thanks again for your plug.
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