Friday, May 15, 2009

The “New” Passion Pit

Just this morning I was on the way into work listening to Chunk of Change EP. I have worn this EP out for the past four months. There is a certain purity to this recording. It’s a homemade love album. That is so bad ass.

I remember making many of these as a kid. Tape after tape of my prized 15 year old teenage music collection, recorded on my old Sony boombox, for the girls that I was courting. Michael Angelakos was so much cooler in the fact that he made his own six song mixtape. Now how do you top that?

Manners will be released on Tuesday the 19th for the general public. I was luck enough to be previewing it this week. Michael is back this time with a full band. With that change, the sound of Passion Pit has to be influences by each band member. People will have to get over the fact that the sound is going to change. Manners is a different record completely than Chunk of Change. I have to admit that that I loved the raw and unfinished sound of the EP but I am really starting to embrace what a talent like Michael Angelakos can do with the resources of a large record label and studio. He has taken every aspect of the EP to a new level with the full length. The range of instruments has doubled if not tripled. The Scratchy distorted vocals are refined with clear production and even back up singers. If Chunk of Change was a vision of what Passion Pit could be, Manners is fulfillment of the vision. Now that Passion Pit has all the tools at it’s disposal, the next question is where do they go from here?

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